Sample Local Store
A short description here of the store or business. What kinds of things they sell, maybe how long they’ve been in business.
555 Kawaiahao Street
Kailua, Hawaii 96734
Open M-F, 8 am to 5 pm
A short description here of the store or business. What kinds of things they sell, maybe how long they’ve been in business.
555 Kawaiahao Street
Kailua, Hawaii 96734
Open M-F, 8 am to 5 pm
Waimanalo Homestead Community Center
1330 Kalanianaole Hwy.
9:00 AM to 4:00PM
Paul Richard, Phone: (808) 259-8611, Cell: (808) 284-2575
Tong Sang, Phone: (808) 259-7602
Enjoy the taste of great homecooked food served with Waimanalo country charm. They serve slow smoked BBQ meats, homemade sauces, salads, sandwiches, and more. They also serve tropical fruit smoothies and acai bowls.
41-1025 Kalanianaole Hwy Waimanalo Hi 96795 Phone/Fax: 808-259-5737